EXAM – Contact Lens Evaluation

This visit is dedicated to ensure you are currently wearing the correct contact lens for your specific eye shape and visual needs.

EXAM – Contact Lens Evaluation



EXAM – Contact Lens Evaluation

EXAM- Contact Lens Evaluation

30 – 60 mins

Health Canada defines a contact lens as a medical device (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/healthy-living/your-health/medical-information/contact-lenses.html). As such, this exam is dedicated to ensure you are wearing the correct contact lens for your specific eye shape.

Details: Is your current contact lens meeting your everyday needs? Can you wear them for 8-10 hours comfortably for every day worn? Is the vision consistently clear throughout wear time? Do your eyes get red or itch sometimes when wearing your lenses? Do your eyes feel dry when wearing your lenses? How are you caring and handling your lenses? What about the 3 S’s during lens wear– sleeping, showering, swimming?

All of these questions and more are addressed during your contact lens evaluation visit. Your current contact lens prescription will be renewed OR you will be refit into a different type of contact lens that better suits your individual needs. 


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