CONSULTATION – Contact Lens Fitting
45 – 90 mins
If you are interested in contact lens wear, this type of visit is for you. You may already be an established lens wearer, looking for something new, or you are new to contact lens wear and don’t know where to start. How often do you want to wear contact lenses? What are your visual demands? Do you suffer from any ocular or systemic diseases that affect your eyes and would limit contact lens wear or perhaps are the reason you require contact lens wear?
This visit includes ALL appropriate measurements to determine the best type of contact lens to fit on your eye. If you choose to proceed with a contact lens fit, the fees of the Contact Lens Consultation Visit will be rolled into your Contact Lens Fitting Fee (Fitting Fee varies based on type of contact lens fit and complexity of fit).
Types of Contact Lenses fit:
- Soft contact lenses
- Gas permeable (rigid) contact lens
- Small = Corneal lenses
- Large = Scleral lenses
- Orthokeratology lenses
- Coloured contact lenses
- Prosthetic contact lenses
- Contact lenses for astigmatism
- Contact lenses for aphakia
- Daily contact lenses
- Contact lenses for children
- Contact lenses for Sports
- Contact lenses to use in the management of Albinism
- Bandage contact lenses
- Contact lenses POST-Lasik
- Contact lenses for Keratoconus, Pellucid Marginal Degeneration, Dry Eye, and management of various other Ectasias and Ocular Surface Diseases
- Bifocal or Multifocal Contact Lenses
- And many other types of contact lenses
- Category
- Services